
FOSS Software

  • GNOME Extensions

    • Vitals, Extensions, PieMenu, Compiz Windows Effect, Burn My Desktop, GSConnect, Cube Desktop, AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support, Dash to Dock, Blur My Shell, Alphabetical App Grid, Battery Time, Bedtime Mode, Extension List, Gtk4-DING, Tray Icons: Reloaded, Just Perfection, Aylur's Widgets, Pano Clipboard Manager
    • Systemd Manager, Easy Docker Containers
    • ChatGPT GNOME Desktop Extension (uses the proprietary AI service, but I added it here for the cool factor)
  • Gaming

    1. Lutris
    2. Bottles
    3. Steam
    4. ProtonUp-Qt
  • Office
    1. LibreOffice
  • Browsers
  • General Work
    1. Workrave (RSI Prevention)
    2. Solana (Pomodoro)
  • Accessories
    1. KDEConnect / GSConnect
    2. Aegis Authenticator
  • Utilities
    1. Engineering
      1. FreeCAD
      2. KiCAD
      3. OpenFOAM (Optionally HELYX-OS / BARAM)
      4. ParaView
    2. Graphics
      1. GIMP
      2. Inkscape
      3. Krita
      4. Blender
    3. Audio Editing
      1. Audacity
    4. Video Editing
      1. OpenShot
      2. GNOME Pitivi
      3. Kdenlive
    5. Remote Desktop / VNC
      1. Remmina VNC
      2. TigerVNC
    6. Text Editor
      1. Gedit
      2. Kate
      3. Mousepad
      4. GNU Nano
      5. Emacs
      6. Vim
    7. Development
      1. Gaphor PlantUML
      2. Diagrams.net
      3. (Code Editor/IDE of your choice)
    8. Communications
      1. Konversation IRC
      2. Element
  • Entertainment
    1. Music Players
      1. Rhythmbox
      2. G4Music
      3. Spotify
    2. Video Players
      1. VLC
      2. mpv
  • Organizing
    1. Music Library Management
      1. Beets
      2. MusicBrainz Picard
  • Terminal Apps
    1. Git
    2. GNU GCC
    3. Make
    4. 7zip
    5. Peazip
    6. GitHub CLI
    7. Python3
    8. GNU Pass
    9. Git Credential Manager
    10. Fish Shell
    11. Flatpak
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